Commercial & Industrial Lighting Audit Services

Find Energy Efficiency Opportunities With A Professional Lighting Audit

Just about every business owner is constantly asking themselves two questions – “How can I be more efficient?” and “How can I reduce my overhead?”. If your property is still using a dated halogen or fluorescent lighting system, you may be able to kill two birds with one stone by upgrading your lighting system.

The best way to know whether it’s time to upgrade your lighting, what your upgrade options are, and how much you could save is to conduct a lighting audit. At Suncoast Power, we have conducted lighting audits for retail, commercial, and industrial properties of every size. Our team can handle everything from your initial audit to any necessary upgrades or retrofits. Call us today to speak to a member of our team about your property.

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Metal roof structure of a large building, indoors. Built-in windows at the top for lighting

Professional Lighting Audits

How Our Comprehensive Lighting Audit Works

A lighting audit is a detailed analysis conducted on your building’s current lighting systems that identifies ways to improve efficiency and reduce energy usage. Our comprehensive lighting audit is ideal for commercial, retail, and industrial properties searching for ways to lower energy costs.

Electrician! Ceiling Lighting!
South Florida Lighting Audits

What Is Covered In A Lighting Audit?

According to The Department of Energy, more than 38% of a business’s electric costs are related to lighting. Depending on your current lighting and usage, you could save up to 50% on your monthly energy bill by improving the efficiency of your lighting system. Our lighting audit is a detailed room-by-room analysis of your property that will uncover any opportunities for you to save. Our audit covers:

  • Your building’s existing lights
  • Fixture types and quantities
  • General property information
  • Average occupant needs
  • Your financial requirements
  • Natural daylight availability
  • Visibility requirements
  • Upgrade & Retrofit Opportunities

The Benefits Of Updating Your Commercial & Industrial Lighting Systems

Modern businesses need modern lighting solutions to succeed. Lighting audits and their resulting improvements provide your building with many long-term benefits beyond decreased energy bills.

Installing electrical light in the ceiling maintenance replacing repair works in the flat.
Updated Lighting Components

Buildings built decades ago may still have poor electrical systems that can’t compete with the modern demands of your property. Outdated lighting components waste energy and can become fire hazards. Updating your fixtures will save your building money, boost the property’s overall safety, and provide a better experience for all occupants.

Electric measuring power meter for energy cost at home and office.
Greener Outcomes

Older fluorescent and halide bulbs are made of mercury, a toxic chemical, requiring specialized disposal protocols. Energy-efficient solutions, like LED lights, require less power and aren’t made with mercury, making them an energy-conscious and environmentally-friendly option

Young woman using the home automation system on digital tablet to regulate the temperature.
Enhanced Lighting Controls

Today’s smart lighting solutions come with a wide range of enhanced controls and automation options. There are basic features like scheduling when lights turn on and off and more complex features like automatically adjusting the light temperature based on the time of day.

Cheerful woman with laptop walking in warehouse
Sustainable Savings

One of the biggest benefits of a lighting upgrade are the savings you’ll see on your energy bill. When you upgrade to LED lighting, not only will your lights use considerably less energy, but they will last about 50 times longer than a conventional light bulb.

Industrial interior of chemical plant
Improved Lighting Conditions

A room’s lighting can significantly impact a person’s mood, productivity level, and well-being. LED lights create a pleasant, cool light that can adjusted for things like color temperatures, brightness levels, and more to create different ambiances.

Workers meeting in engineering factory
Improve Operational Efficiency

Upgrading to LED lighting will improve efficiency across the board. Not only will your energy costs drop, but your employees will also be happier and more productive. With lower overhead and higher productivity, you’ll have more to reinvest into your business.

Schedule A Site Audit With Suncoast Power Today

Suncoast Power is a locally owned commercial electrical contractor that has provided top-quality data cabling and electrical services in South Florida for more than 30 years. Our team can handle every step of your cabling installation, from permitting and planning to installation, testing, and maintenance. Call Suncoast Power today at 754-200-5872 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a commercial cabling consultation with a member of our team.

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Our 6-step Lighting Audit Process

Our lighting audit will analyze all of your interior and exterior lighting systems. We perform a number of calculations on your energy usage to find opportunities to improve lighting efficiency. 

professional technician engineer working to control electrical power and safety service system

Step 1. Location Benchmarking

Every building type has different lighting requirements. For example, an art showroom may require more spotlights, whereas a hospital likely needs consistent overhead lighting. We first assess your location type to contextualize our following steps.

We take note of windows, skylights, or other special requirements and considerations at this time. At this point, if you require certain spaces to have specific lights, letting us know early can allow us to craft our plan accordingly.

Vintage neon lamp

Step 2. Identify Fixture Type and Condition

Before conducting the lighting retrofit or improvement project, we must understand what fixtures and lights your building already uses. For each one, we examine a few key points:

  • Wattage requirements
  • Usage hours per week
  • Existing sensors, switches, and controls
  • Mounting methods
  • Special conditions
  • Visual issues
Electrical in yellow helmet technician writing reading of meter on clipboard

Step 3. Calculate Annual Burn Hours

To understand your building’s usage requirements, we must determine the annual burn hours. Annual burn hours refer to the total combined time your fixtures operate per year. To find this figure, we multiply the hours each fixture burns daily by the days per week and the weeks per year.

Digital electric meters in a row measuring power use. Electricity consumption concept.

Step 4. Determine the Kilowatt Rate

Kilowatts are measurement units for energy that help us understand how much power your building needs. To determine how many Kilowatts your fixtures use, we must find the Kilowatt (kW) rate.

The kW rate equation involves multiplying your number of fixtures by each fixture’s input Kilowatts. Next, we divide this figure by 1,000 to find your fixtures’ average kW rate.

Low angle view of handsome electrician holding clipboard near electrical distribution box

Step 5. Calculate Kilowatt-per-hour Rate

Aside from how many Kilowatts your fixtures burn, we also need to understand your average hourly Kilowatt burn rate. The amount of power you use per hour directly impacts your energy bills.

To find the Kilowatt-per-hour (kWh) rate, we need three of your most recent power bills. To determine the rate, we add the total spending and divide this figure by the total burn hours (amount of usage across all three bills).

Man, an electrical technician working in a switchboard with fuses, uses a tablet.

Step 6. Calculate Existing Annual Energy Expense

The final step of our lighting audit involves determining your existing annual energy expense. This number reflects your building’s current yearly power bills in total. To find this number, we multiply your annual burn hours by your kW rate by your kWh rate.

The results help us understand how much we can improve your building with LED upgrades and other advancements. For every lighting recommendation we make, we’ll also provide figures proving how your bills will decrease.

The equations and steps above may sound complex, but our Suncoast team has decades of experience that make the process hassle-free. Our team handles the complicated math, so you can focus on pressing business manners.